

Aims to facilitate the relocation processes for companies and individuals


Redesign, UI Design, UX Design


Figma, Illustrator

Team Members

Joy Cho, Nicole Lee, Yvonne Wang


2 Weeks



Our group chooses to design a mobile app because it is easy to get the notification to keep track of the process, and have better personalization.


Localyze creates the experience for employers and employees with one software for everything - immigration, relocation, taxes & legal documents. My role was to redesign a mobile platform for the users to have the same accessibility as the desktop version.



There are two main target groups of Localyze. One group is people who are trying to immigrate/move to a foreign country to seek employment. The other is companies who are accepting international applicants. Localyze directly impacts foreign employees and applicants and local companies.

The interface will indirectly impact organizations like insurance companies, banks, realtor companies. By using the interface, people do not need to worry about insurance, visa, housing, etc due to the suggestions Localyze gives. Thus, the interface reduces these companies’ opportunities to sell their brands to the users, resulting in a decrease in their sales. These local companies will have an easier opportunity to hire international employers with less hassle. For international employers, this interface would help them to make decisions with fewer problems since it declutters the whole process of localization.



User Journey

Preliminary research and insights helped to create personas.




Low-Fidelity Prototype



During the critique, our group received various feedback on our prototype’s usability, affordances, and aesthetics. Some of the key comments were: first, texts and images seem to be small in many of the screens which may lower the legibility. Second, pages that require boxes to be filled in (including “Preferences” and “Forms” page) should have a method to prevent errors. Thus, we enlarged the texts and images in all the screens and overlays. We also created different screens for “Preferences” and “Forms” in which when the user fails to fill out the required information, the box turns into red, which indicates an error.

Hi-Fidelity Prototype




1. Home Page

This is the landing page of the application. When the user logins in, it navigates to the ‘Dashboard’ which shows the overview of the process. It includes a personalized To-Do’s list and a map of a new location. The hamburger menu is organized with the other categories such as visa, health insurance, and etc.


2. Housing/ Information / Preferences

This is the housing page. The progress bar on top shows the process of housing. Key informations about housing are listed under different topics. The user can create a preference for a more accurate and narrow search.


3. Housing/ Offers/ Forms

Following the preferences, the offers are sorted by price low to high. Once the user chooses a housing, it navigates to 'Forms' page which includes necessary information to be filled out.


4. Confirmation

The confirmation page shows the housing summary and the purchase details.


Usability Testing



The primary function of the app, which is providing convenience for the users who are in the process of relocation, should be clear to the users since the instruction matches with the navigational elements on the application. However, the user may be a little hesitant in selecting “Housing” page on the Dashboard since there are a lot of information. The instruction seems clear for the user to click “Next” to proceed to the next page. With the given specification, the user may take some time to select each option. The user may think the page is crowded depending on the amount of information loaded on each page. The slider is helpful for the user to follow each step without skipping one as it matches the subtitles.
User1 User2 User3


A. Success: Were you able to successfully perform the task?
B. Difficulty: On a scale of 5 (1 being very difficult, and 5 being very easy), how easily were you able to perform the tasks?

Some users had a hard time locating the “Housing” page because the “Dashboard” page included various phrases that indicated “Housing”. For instance, User C attempted to click any text that had the word housing in the “Dashboard” page. Another issue that users had was when on the “Preferences” page, users had a hard time clicking checkboxes for they were slightly undersized.

The metrics on the table above reflects that all tasks were completed and were fairly easy to perform. Yet, some users made mistakes completing the tasks. Some users had a hard time locating the “Housing” page because the “Dashboard” page included various phrases that indicated “Housing”. For instance, User C attempted to click any text that had the word housing in the “Dashboard” page. Another issue that users had was when on the “Preferences” page, users had a hard time clicking checkboxes for they were slightly undersized.


After conducting the remote user testing, we believe it would benefit our prototype once the components are enlarged slightly larger. We also believe that unlike Localyze’s computer software, the app would benefit if there were less content on the “Dashboard” page, for it seems to confuse users due to information overload.

Another potential interface change is having background information and housing owner contact information to allow the user to reach out for questions. Most notably, it would be helpful to include a community element with an aspect of other users that have moved into the area so people can network. Some difficulties we had during the testing experience were that we were not able to observe the participants’ true reaction/behavior toward the interface, so we could not decipher for certain actions whether the user was making a mistake or not. In future, we believe we would receive better results with questions that are even more detailed step by step.