Immersive Space


Invites to the gallery space to explore the immersive space of Virtual Reality


Storytelling, Motion


Unity, InDesign, Affect Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop, Cinema 4D



My goal with Immersive Space is to familiarize us with an immeasurable digital presence, find novel opportunities through the instability of the medium, and further establish standards for what is morally acceptable in this field.


To smoothly transition into a new dimension — virtual reality — this gallery aims to (1) provide a comfortable experience in the use of new technologies, (2) promote social interaction or connectedness, and (3) induce positive experiences.

Gallery Space

The gallery is divided into two different environments, outdoor and indoor. The exhibition starts from the alleyway between the illustration building and the Graphic design building.

To enter the indoor space, visitors are encouraged to enter from the N Main street, and walk through the window, which I took out to make it an entrance. There are three sections: 1) Dynamic Material 2) Constructing New Narratives 3) A Manual of Virtual Realm. One is placed outside. Two and Three are placed inside.




Sign Design



Interoom is a video that represents my question: what happens when AR identifies an object not only as what the object is materially but also embeds networking to the object. More specifically, what happens once our room gains access to a network?

For example, interacting with a table may give access to all possible actions and information we would want in that situation; the table may order dinner for us, or connect with other tables in the marketplace to compare the personalized price range. Interacting with a tennis racket may give links to previous tennis matches, tutorials on how to play, and much more. Beyond implementing AR on smartphone cameras, the potential applications and usages of AR networking objects are exponential.

Digital Diary Experience

At the activity, visitors are encouraged to sit down around the table to record their experiences in response to the questions on the screen.Some of the questions that are asked are: their relationships between public and private space, and how one feels about advanced technologies. They are welcomed to share their experiences with others.

At the end of the day, the responses will be compiled into a pdf that the visitors can look. This is placed in the middle of the table with this yellow cover. I hope this will invite the visitors to take time to dive into the topic, and start the conversation around their personal experiences about the medium.


A Manual of Virtual Realm

The contents of the A Manual of Virtual Realm pdf are projected on the digital books and the visitors are encouraged to tab on the screen to flip to the next page.

The book is about the ethical issues with the virtual realities and the need for further research in this field to avoid negative long-term effects. Because artificial reality blurs the line between physical and virtual, it is necessary to rewrite how we deal with one another. For example, if the person is stabbed in the virtual space, how should that violation be prosecuted?

A Manual of Virtual Realm digs deeper into the ethical issues VR application faces today.

Embodied Space Postcards

This collection represents the embodied space which means where human experience and consciousness takes on material and spatial form. Adding embodied space* enables the person to become a mobile spatial field—belonging to both space and time or to space-time — who creates space as a potentiality for social relations, giving it meaning, form, and ultimately through the patterning of everyday movements.

When creating these illustrations, I imagine the user of AR/VR becomes the mobile spatial field, the participant, and the gatekeeper in control of forming the space as a mental construct. I intend this collection of postcards to be something that stays with the visitors as they can take some on their way out.


Final Word

Many thanks to everyone who helped me along the way!

If you are interested, here is the full documentation of the writings for my degree project.
